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Grey Seal And Owl Workshops - Norfolk  (1 Day)

After last year's successful  2 for 1 workshop, using our time to concentrate on two/three iconic species and use the best of the light. Mornings concentrate on seals and evenings on barn owls or short-eared owls. A perfect Norfolk day!


Norfolk has a stronghold of grey seals and every winter thousands line the beach to give birth to their pups. It's a great time to photograph the seals as a lot is happening. The white furry seal pups are dotted all over the beach. The males are getting ready to mate and regular fights occur to show dominance. Also, the females will be protecting the pups from the males creating more action on the coastline. I have worked with the seals for the past 10 years and know the site extremely well. Recently the beach has been closed off in areas, so some areas may not be accessible on the day. Most will be behind rope but we will try and go to the sides of the colony as long as we don't disturb the seals.


The workshop will allow you to get within a good range of the seals and gain some beneficial low vantage points. A 300mm lens is normally enough, but longer lenses may give you more options. The beaches themselves create a beautiful landscape within which to photograph the seals. As it is an important time of year, it is vital not to disturb the seals so there will be two slots available on each side of the key pupping period. October and November workshops will be concentrating on adult Grey Seals and Common Seals. January will be adults, pups and pupping, (except non-weaned pups). The rest of the year has haul-outs of around 40 seals, a mixture of Greys and Commons.

The day will start with the seals and end with owls. The light is best first thing for the seals but you lose it in the afternoon. So I have made this workshop to make the best of the light. So around 2-3pm we will leave the seals and head out looking for owls. Depending on the activity, we will either concentrate on Short-eared Owls or Barn owls, If you have a preference then let me know. There is no hide or baiting involved, so every day is different and nothing is guaranteed. 


More images of seals can be seen on my case study page here: Grey Seal Project


Location:  Norfolk Coast

Dates:  Throughout the year. Get in contact with your preferred date. Pupping season availability is on the calendar below.

Time:  Dawn - Dusk

Cost:  £300 for 1 to 1 workshop

Group:  £200 Per person  (Max 3 people)

Equipment:  300mm or longer


To book or make an enquiry, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page. (50% deposit is required for booking).

Grey Seal And Owl Workshops

A day full of photography with two main species; the grey seal and barn owls or short-eared owls!

Check out our availability and book the date and time that works for you

Contact Me

I'm available for photographic and filming commissions all year round. Feel free to get in touch and enquire. Likewise if you would be interested in any video or photo stock. Please feel free to message me with any other enquires as well.

Thanks for submitting! I will get back to you as soon as possible.

© Josh Jaggard 2019
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