About me
"I was born and brought up in rural Norfolk surrounded by fields and woodland – and only forty minutes from the county's stunning coastline. This was where my passion for wildlife originated and the base I have returned to having graduated from University College Falmouth with a BA Hons in Marine & Natural History Photography.
One of my ambitions was to become a wildlife cameraman and my first piece was to film a five-minute video for BBC Springwatch on Urban otters . After working with these otters for around four months, I sent a sample of my footage into the BBC to see if they were interested. Thankfully they were - and it was put in the first episode of the series. That was five years ago and, since then, I have regularly filmed for the show, both on the live shows and producing short films for them. I have also contributed to several other wildlife documentaries including Channel 5's 'Wild Britain'.
Otters are my main passion and specialist area. I have several sites in Norfolk where I can film them in the day and one site where I have a 100% success rate in finding them, even after over 300 visits.
Every year I spend my spring and summer as a wildlife tour guide for Shetland Nature up in Shetland. I guide individuals and groups of photographers teaching them fieldcraft, tracking and how to use their cameras to best effect. The main species we focus on in this magical part of the world are otters, puffins, gannets, orca and bonxies.
My ambition is to pursue a career in wildlife and/or conservation photography and filmmaking– and I am available for commissions either here in the UK or overseas. Please call me to discuss any opportunities. I'd love to hear from you.